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Award winning property professionals
Award winning property professionals

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Day 38/15 – Tuesday 21th April –15 days of Spanish lock down

Day 38/15 – Tuesday 21th April –15 days of Spanish lock down

Day 38/15 – Tuesday 21th April –15 days of Spanish lock down At present it seems that the lock down in Spain will end on 10th May, another 19 days. That’s still almost enough time to form a new habit!   Clearly we don’t yet know in what manner the restrictions...
Day 37/15 – Monday 20th April –15 days of Spanish lock down

Day 37/15 – Monday 20th April –15 days of Spanish lock down

Day 37/15 – Monday 20th April –15 days of Spanish lock down Are you interested in boosting your immune system just now? Growing up in London, the weather never really bothered me – cold, rain, wind, as a kid I was out in all weathers, playing sports and getting...