by ltsadmin | Apr 24, 2020
Day 40/15 – Thursday 23rd April –15 days of Spanish lock down I naively set out to write an email every day for 15 days. And here we still are!It’s been a rewarding experience all the same. I’ve very much appreciated the positive feedback, words of...
by ltsadmin | Apr 24, 2020
Day 39/15 – Wednesday 22nd April –15 days of Spanish lock down I just realised today - it’s all been down to my new glasses… As a kid, I hated wearing spectacles. But I used to find it hard to read the blackboard without them, even from the front of the class....
by ltsadmin | Apr 23, 2020
Day 38/15 – Tuesday 21th April –15 days of Spanish lock down At present it seems that the lock down in Spain will end on 10th May, another 19 days. That’s still almost enough time to form a new habit! Clearly we don’t yet know in what manner the restrictions...
by ltsadmin | Apr 21, 2020
Day 37/15 – Monday 20th April –15 days of Spanish lock down Are you interested in boosting your immune system just now? Growing up in London, the weather never really bothered me – cold, rain, wind, as a kid I was out in all weathers, playing sports and getting...
by ltsadmin | Apr 20, 2020
Day 36/15 – Sunday 19th April –15 days of Spanish lock down Today is my grandma’s birthday. If my memory serves me well, she would have been 113 today! She passed some 25 years ago, but she saw plenty during her life and had to deal with some very tough...
by ltsadmin | Apr 20, 2020
Day 35/15 – Saturday 18th April –15 days of Spanish lock down My battery has gone flat – really annoying as it was new in January when I had the car serviced at the main dealership. Trouble is when I jump start it, the alarm keep going off and I can’t turn the...