Day 42/15 – Saturday 25th April –15 days of Spanish lock down
It was announced that from tomorrow parents with young children (under 14) will be able to take their kids out for a walk . That’s going to bring some well needed relief to young families, living in apartments with no access to outdoor space. Finally, kids will be able to let off some steam!
I think this is an indication that slowly restrictions in Spain are going start to be lifted, or at least softened.
After the excitement of my weekly shopping trip to Mercadona the rest of the day was spent at home – much of the day in front of my laptop.
I am not a big TV watcher. I do like the occasional movie as a way to wind down, but much to the disgust of my sons, eighty percent of the time I fall asleep or don’t pay attention. It’s a bit of a running joke with them that I never get to see the end of a film!
Saturday night saw our Marvel movie education - inspired by Noah, come to a climax. We watched ‘Avengers: Endgame’. It’s starts in 2017, finishes in 2022 and is the story of how the Avengers implement a plan devised by Tony Stark (Iron Man). Their objective is to go back into the ‘Quantum Realm’ and to reverse the actions from five years ago of genius super villain Thanos. The megalomaniac having seen his home planet Titan destroyed by over-population, believed Earth’s human numbers were unsustainable due to finite resources. Having successfully acquired all six ‘Infinity Stones’ giving him relentless power – he randomly wiped out half of earth’s population. As I was watching the movie I couldn’t help but consider the current situation we find ourselves in… Who said I wasn’t paying attention this time!
It’s a fantastic franchise if you like that sort of thing! I am now looking forward to ‘phase 4 from’ Marvel Cinematic Universe. If you have watched any of the Avengers movies click below to see Noah’s version of Mjölnir - the hammer of Thor!!!
Keep safe,
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