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Award winning property professionals
Award winning property professionals

Tel: +34 952 781000
Tel: +44 208 0900 858
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Day 33/15 – Thursday 16th April –15 days of Spanish lock down

Day 33/15 – Thursday 16th April –15 days of Spanish lock down

Day 33/15 – Thursday 16th April –15 days of Spanish lock down On Saturday 18th May, Pedro Sanchez is looking to secure backing to extend the ‘state of alarm’ in Spain – lock down for a further 15 days to 11th May. If ratified, that will make the total period to...
Day 30/15 – Monday 13th April –15 days of Spanish lock down

Day 30/15 – Monday 13th April –15 days of Spanish lock down

Day 30/15 – Monday 13th April –15 days of Spanish lock down 30 days - it’s actually very hard to believe! Today the Spanish government relaxed the lock down restrictions and some non-essential professions were able to return to work. Construction workers were...
Day 29/15 – Sunday 12th April –15 days of Spanish lock down

Day 29/15 – Sunday 12th April –15 days of Spanish lock down

Day 29/15 – Sunday 12th April –15 days of Spanish lock down Today day just a short message to wish you and your family a happy Easter. Further I have another little challenge for you to test the little grey cells.How many triangle are there?  Simple question…!  ...