by ltsadmin | May 14, 2020
The story of the purple gloves… Certainly in the short term we are going to be required to wear masks, gloves and also bootie shoe coverings when we do property viewings. It’s for everyone’s protection of course and out of respect for property owners. In...
by ltsadmin | May 10, 2020
COVID-19 SPECIAL OFFER MALAGA BUY TO LET OPPORTUNITY **LIMITED SPECIAL OFFER DUE TO COVID-19**Malaga City Centre Apartments:3 Year Guaranteed Rental InvestmentJUST 10 UNITS! An established family developer has created an opportunity for a limited number of investors...
by ltsadmin | May 9, 2020
Last 7 days of Spanish lock down 4-10 May We have had a fantastic week...Despite the ´state of alarm´ in Spain having been extended to the 24th May, today marks one week of having enjoyed some additional liberty. It's been amazing to be able to go out on long walks -...
by ltsadmin | May 3, 2020
Day 50/15 – Sunday 3rd May –15 days of Spanish lock down This is the final email in the series 15 day or Spanish lock down… We left the house at 0730. I set a brisk pace, only broken by her insistent sniffing and natural breaks… By 0745 we were on San Pedro...
by ltsadmin | May 3, 2020
Day 49/15 – Saturday 2nd May –15 days of Spanish lock down It’s been a big day today across all of Spain. Finally, after 49 days people have been allowed to leave their homes, go for a walk and do some exercise. Everyone of course knows what their allotted time...