by ltsadmin | May 17, 2020
Last 7 days of Spanish lock down 11-17 May It's been a week of mixed emotions on the coast, with the initial disappointment of Malaga province not passing to Phase 1 on Monday 11th and then the week ending on a high with Friday's announcement that Malaga moves to...
by ltsadmin | May 9, 2020
Last 7 days of Spanish lock down 4-10 May We have had a fantastic week...Despite the ´state of alarm´ in Spain having been extended to the 24th May, today marks one week of having enjoyed some additional liberty. It's been amazing to be able to go out on long walks -...
by ltsadmin | May 3, 2020
Day 50/15 – Sunday 3rd May –15 days of Spanish lock down This is the final email in the series 15 day or Spanish lock down… We left the house at 0730. I set a brisk pace, only broken by her insistent sniffing and natural breaks… By 0745 we were on San Pedro...
by ltsadmin | May 3, 2020
Day 49/15 – Saturday 2nd May –15 days of Spanish lock down It’s been a big day today across all of Spain. Finally, after 49 days people have been allowed to leave their homes, go for a walk and do some exercise. Everyone of course knows what their allotted time...
by ltsadmin | May 2, 2020
Day 48/15 – Friday 1st May –15 days of Spanish lock down Happy May Day! When I walked Majic this morning, the streets were even quieter than ever. I guess it is a holiday and all the shops are shut! So the rules for the lifting of the lock down have been...
by ltsadmin | May 1, 2020
Day 47/15 – Thursday 30th April –15 days of Spanish lock down Further national announcements on specifically what activities will be permitted in Spain during this period of de-escalation were made today. You have to wonder how something this important can be...